Rotterdam (The Netherlands) based Magento / Drupal Specialist Synocom (currently Youwe) asked Dutch Freelance Visual and UX/UI Michiel Nagtegaal to develop a new graphic style and online identity for one of their clients: oBook, a new e-book webshop.
The oBook logo was already designed. Based on the colors and typography in the existing logo I made a new UX and visual design. The shop was to be build on the Magento webshop framework. Synocom / Youwe has a lot of experience in developing Magento webshops. They gave me a lot of freedom in designing the online shop.
How can I help you?
Do you need professional Visual Web / Interface Designs for your own project or brand? Or do you have any questions regarding this particular project or my current availability and services as a Freelance Visual Designer? I'd love to help you. Please find my contact details in the footer of this website.