Illustration Nation - Logo Design

Illustration Nation final logo - Part of the online Designia Nations portfolio, featuring illustrations

Overview of all the logo's for the Designia Nations, Webdesign Nation, Illustration Nation, Identity Nation, Cartoon Nation, Print Nation, Concept Nation, Word Nation and Mobile Nation

Illustration Nation was part of the Designia portfolio concept, where each discipline gets their own portfolio part. Each part / design discipline is called a 'Nation' and 'Designia' is the virtual world. 

Read more on the Designia online portfolio concept here.

Therefor the visual style uses the same visual elements (shields, lions and crowns) and design system countries use for their heraldry. 

Heraldry is a broad term, encompassing the design, display, and study of armorial bearings (known as armory), as well as related disciplines, such as vexillology, together with the study of ceremony, rank, and pedigree.

How can I help you?

Do you need an identity design or logo design for your own project or brand? Or do you have any questions regarding this particular project, my current availability or about my services as a logo designer? I'd love to help you. Please find my contact details in the footer of this website. 

Also check out these illustrations




BLOG // PERSONAL webshop selling illustrations on canvas - Logo Design

Graffiti styled typography for a personal project selling my illustrations on canvas. 

Some of the test prints I ran for the webshop with a illustration style more gearing towards kids and a kids room

A few years ago, the ever-improving technology prompted sudden growth of printing possibilities on materials other than paper. Printing on canvas became easy. Many online stores started to offer (online) printing on canvas, mainly with photography.

As a personal project, I saw the opportunity to sell canvas with my own illustrations. Starting a webshop also became easier.

Check out this blogpost (in Dutch) about some test prints I ran for

Because of my interest and fascination with graffiti and street art, it was obvious to use graffiti-style typography in the logo.

The name "Frisvers" translates as twice the English word 'fresh' after each other and is somewhat of a funny non-existing word in Dutch.

I a way my current art is the next step towards selling my own art online. 

How can I help you?

Do you need an identity design or logo design for your own project or brand? Or do you have any questions regarding this particular project, my current availability or about my services as a logo designer? I'd love to help you. Please find my contact details in the footer of this website. 

Also check out these illustrations