Note: This blogpost appeared on June 19, 2007 for the first time on and was re-blogged here recently. At the time I wrote in my native language Dutch. My apologies to any international readers for the inconvenience.
Er is weer een leuke ‘call for entries’. Dit keer bij de internationale designcompetitie ‘Love your earth’. Het charmante onderwerp wordt op de website omschreven als:
‘A message of love towards the earth and our environment from architects, graphic designers and design-enthusiasts’
‘As each day goes by the problems facing the earth become more and more apparent, its quite clear that many things must change and sooner rather than later. Throughout history graphic design has proved itself as one of the best means to instigate a change in society and communicate the urgency of action. We are looking for graphic artworks that will raise awareness of the environmental issues affecting our delicate planet. Your graphic design should provoke a positive change in the many things that are compromising our biosphere.
Nou mooi hoor! Lekker designen en nog voor een goed doel ook! De eerste prijs is het bijzondere bedrag van 500.000 yen. Hoeveel is dat in euro’s?
Je ontwerp zal gebruikt worden voor vlaggen, postzegels, posters en ten toon worden gesteld door heel Tokyo (hmmm… ik proef hier een leuke trip!). De vorige 100% Design Tokyo in 2006 trok ruim 74.000 bezoekers in zes dagen.
Ohja, de deadline is 8 september 2007.